Apostolic Christian LifePoints has certainly been blessed over these many years with hundreds of caring and dedicated staff for whom we are most grateful. Many staff share their thoughts and experiences about working here in the form of a letter when they leave us for various life decisions and reasons. We have posted some of their comments below - we feel their words express a perspective of the work of the home to which truly only individuals in their shoes can testify. Thank you for reading.
Thank you and the other members of the staff for being supportive over the years. This is a good place to work.
Thank you for five plus great years of employment. Hopefully my path in life will lead me back to such a touching and wonderful agency.
I have really enjoyed the time I have worked at Oakwood. There is so much that I have learned while working there that I have been able to use at the daycare. I will really miss seeing everyone but will always have the memories. I am sure that I will stop in sometime to say hi. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in such an amazing environment. God Bless.
Working here taught me so many things to take with me to my next job and through my new career – whatever that may be.
I do want to thank you for the privilege of working with the Timber Ridge family. I have learned a lot, and have come to love the residents as if they were my own family. I just wanted to say thank you.
Please accept this letter as my notice of my intent to resign from employment at ACTR. Words cannot describe the influence Apostolic Christian Timber Ridge has had on my life. Starting here as a teenager, I had no idea how God would use my experiences here to mold me and draw me closer to Him. I want to thank you for your support in all of the positions which I have held in my time working at ACTR. I am confident that the level of love and care that is provided in this setting is as a result of the Christian foundation that ACTR is standing firm on, and for that I am thankful and have been blessed.
It has been a pleasure working here. If ever I can help out in a tight spot, I’d be glad to. Thanks to everyone for their kindness.
I am resigning from my job as a DSP at Timber Ridge. I have absolutely LOVED working for this facility and will definitely keep the home in mind for future employment as an RN after I have gotten some experience in the hospital. Thank you for everything!
To Whom It May Concern: I plan to terminate my blessed employment at the Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped. I have had a wonderful and diverse work experience there. The rewards have been great and I am most thankful!
The last five years at Timber Ridge have been wonderful.
I am happy that I have had almost twenty-two years of working for AC Timber Ridge. I will always remember these years!
I have greatly enjoyed the past five years that I have worked here and I look forward to when I can come back and visit.
Thank you for the opportunities you have provided me to serve God and to serve the residents during my time with the home. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance during this transition.
Thanks for all the things you have done for me during my time here at AC Services. I love it here and am pretty sad to leave. I’m sure I will see you around. Have a great day.
First of all, I would like to thank both of you for the opportunity of working at Linden and Oakwood. I have always and thoroughly enjoyed the residents. The experiences that I received from working with each one have taught me much. Again, I want to thank each of you for the part that you played in my time there. I will miss the residents greatly, but hope to be able to come visit them. The agency, staff and residents will be in my thoughts and prayers during the upcoming moves and changes. I feel blessed to have gotten to be a part of their lives and hope that others will be blessed as well.
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is in the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercessions for the saints according to the will of God, and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:27-28) As I look back over the years at Apostolic Home, I have been thankful to the Lord for all gifts and opportunities given, both in terms of modes of service-as well as for moments of growth and self donation. These have not been isolated occurrences, but encounters inextricably woven into the very fabric of my being and identity, for life. They are who I am. I recall the hundreds of IDT meetings with families and residents beside, Ms. (Name Withheld) saying goodbye to her and promising to take care of her daughter, saying goodbye to many dying residents, arranging memorial services. I think of the Multi-purpose Room getting comfortable equipment for the residents, the pride of forming students on OT and in other areas. There have been tough surveys and the plans of correction, the relationship with other professionals across Illinois, the changes, the closure of facilities. I have, with each year, grown in understanding of families - their joys, their struggles and vulnerabilities. The staff I lead have been a light to me and I truly love them. I wish I could have told them how much they mean to me more often.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve the residents of Timber Ridge. It fulfilled a dream I have had since high school.
My time at Oakwood Estates has been a wonderful experience. I have learned much from this job. I will miss all the residents and my co-workers. They have all treated me with respect and feel like family to me.
It is with great regret that I am giving Timber Ridge my final two weeks. ... I have had the time of my life here and could not have ever dreamed up as good of people as I have met here. For the past six or so years the residents I have taken care of been my friends and family. I will sure miss all of the residents at the home, especially my guys down the one hundred hall! I have come and gone before but this time is different. This time has more gravity, for I know that I will not be back. It is truly a sad day when family members part. Honestly that is what you become when you see and work with people every day. You can recognize this when they start asking for you on your days off. That feeling you get from that recognition will stay with you! These people that we take care of truly depend on us and count on us to be there for them when no one else can. This was the only job that I can think of where I actually used that principle of treat others how you would like to be treated. As long as new aides can keep that teaching in mind they will flourish here.
As the song says though “ob-la-di, of-la-da life goes on”. Please keep an eye on things, keep (name withheld) in line, and keep (name withheld) riding the boose (the bus and work keep that man going!). Tell the aides to just sit down and listen to (name withheld), tell them to be loud and play with (name withheld), tell them when you have nothing to do just go and spend time with your residents. All it takes to make someone smile is to sit and talk to him or her. Learning a person’s personality is far more valuable than learning a procedure. Well in the words of my good friend, (name withheld): “Goodnight Moose!” Let it be.
To Whom It May Concern: It has been wonderful experience working here and I will miss it greatly.
I love making them smile; it makes me smile ... it's worth it all.
This job's great ... it really is.
I’ve always left work having something happened that’s been good; something that makes me laugh, or feel good…so, it’s a good feeling!
The setting and staff are so pleasant…we’re just thrilled (our loved one is here), it’s just what we had in mind.
People who work here have a lot of compassion…they have a love of people and a love for their God.
We are so thankful they’re here.
Our loved one has their rights met; they are independent, they learn and grow and they can come to know Christ.
The people who work here have a sense of empathy and genuine respect for others.
The Residents depend on us completely to help them do what they cannot do alone.
If God would have made them perfect in the world's eyes, then we wouldn’t be blessed.
You see them grow and change, you see them try harder in ways maybe they wouldn’t have if you didn’t take the time to be there and to be a listener.
Anything less than excellent is insufficient; it’s disrespectful to the people we serve and to God for Whom we do it.
I think of the Golden Rule, treat others the way we would want to be treated.
Each Resident has his / her own personality; they are not different from us, they just need our help.
The Residents expect us to do our best for them.
They are God’s children; He gave them to us.
We are their home.
To some I am like their big brother, their dad, sometimes they even beat up on me like a little brother.
staff, with a laugh
staff, with a laugh
I love coming to work ... it’s all about relationships.
We look at the person, not what they are not able to do.